讲师(助理教授),受聘中国人民大学“杰出学者计划”青年学者B岗。师从英国科学院院士、国际著名经济史学家Stephen Broadberry教授。目前研究兴趣包括:中国农业经济史,经济增长史,历史国民经济核算和生活水平研究,东西方经济大分流,历史国家能力和中国财政史,计量史学等。
1. Zhai, Runzhuo, and Zhaohui Lou. “Chinese Agricultural Output and TFP: 1661–2019.” Economics Letters 213 (2022): 110415.
2. 唐昱茵,高岭,翟润卓.“风起于青萍之末:大英帝国的黄昏 (1888–1913) 的新解释.”经济思想史学刊 (接收).
3. 高岭,翟润卓*,唐昱茵.“马克思的劳动强度理论及其当代发展.”经济学家 1, no.7 (2022): 15-23.
1. Gao, Ling, Yuyin Tang, and Runzhuo Zhai*. “Did An Industrious Revolution Happen in China? A Survey towards Chinese Working Class, 1680-2012.”
2. Guan, Hanhui, Debin Ma, and Runzhuo Zhai. “China’s Long-term Fiscal Capacity: A Millennial Measure and Analysis, 997–1911.”
3. Hu, Sijie, and Runzhuo Zhai. “Where Were the Missing Girls: Re-Estimating Daughters’ Survival in Chinese Lineages, 1350–1900.”
4. Luan, Xiaoyang, and Runzhuo Zhai. “Confucianizing the Spirit of Capitalism: Commercialization, Bureaucratic Culture, and Medieval China Denying Utilitarianism.”
5. Zhai, Runzhuo. “Toward the Great Divergence: Agricultural Growth in the Yangzi Delta, 1393–1953.”
6. Zhai, Runzhuo. “Dating the Great Divergence: Economic Growth in the Yangzi Delta, 1393–1953.”
7. Zhai, Runzhuo. “The Different Face of the Great Divergence: GDP of Pearl River Delta, 1729–1936.”
8. 徐之茵,翟润卓,伏霖,管汉晖.“北京上海广州长期生活水平:基于福利比例的比较研究.”