



职称:助理教授 办公室:明德主楼0506 email:[email protected] 研究方向:气候变化,环境经济学,应用计量


达亚彬,现任威尼斯人娱乐场官网 讲师(助理教授),受聘中国人民大学“杰出学者计划”青年学者B岗。2022年毕业于德州农工大学农业经济系。目前主要研究方向包括气候变化影响评估及适应、空气污染和气候变化对经济社会影响、应用计量等。相关研究发表在Environmental Resource Economics, Climatic Change, European Review of Agricultural Economics等国际期刊。







  Yabin Da, Yangyang Xu, Fujin Yi, Bruce McCarl. Climate change and winter wheat yields: the roles of freezing days and long-run adaptations. European Review of Agricultural Economics 51 (2024), 815–843.

Yabin Da#, Bin Zeng#, Jingli Fan, Lanlan Li. Heterogeneous responses to climate: evidence from residential electricity consumption. Climatic Change 176 (2023), 110.

Jinghao Li, Xiaohan Li, Yabin Da, Jiali Yu et al. Sustainable Environmental Remediation using Biomimetic Multifunctional Lignocellulosic Material. Nature Communications 13 (2022): 4368.

Yujiao Xian, Qian Wang, Wenrong Fan, Yabin Da, Jingli Fan. The impact of different incentive policies on New Energy Vehicle demand in China’s gigantic cities. Energy Policy 168 (2022): 113137.

Yabin Da, Yangyang Xu, Bruce McCarl. Effects of ozone and climate on historical (1980-2015) crop yields in the United States: Implication for mid-21st century projection. Environmental and Resource Economics 81 (2022): 355–378.

Jingli Fan, Xian Zhang, Kai Li, Jiawei Hu, Klaus Hubacek, Yabin Da, et al. Measuring sustainability: Development and application of the inclusive wealth index in China. Ecological Economics 195 (2022): 107357.

Hao Zhang#, Yabin Da#, Xian Zhang, Jingli Fan. The impacts of climate change on coal-fired power plants: evidence from China. Energy & Environmental Science 14 (2021): 4890 - 4902.

Jingli Fan#, Yabin Da#, Bin Zeng et al. How do weather and climate change impact the COVID-19 pandemic? Evidence from the Chinese mainland. Environmental Research Letters 16 (2020): 1-12.

Jingli Fan, Yabin Da, Silai Wan et al. Determinants of carbon emissions in 'Belt and Road Initiative' countries: A production technology perspective. Applied Energy 239 (2019): 268-279.

Yuejun Zhang, Yabin Da. The decomposition of energy-related carbon emission and its decoupling with economic growth in China. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 41 (2015): 1255-1266.

Bin Ouyang, Chunchao Chu, Yabin Da et al. Highway flood disaster risk evaluation and management in China. Natural Hazards 75 (2015): 391-397.

Yuejun Zhang, Aodong Wang, Yabin Da. Regional allocation of carbon emission quotas in China: Evidence from the shapley value method. Energy Policy 74 (2014): 454-464.

Yuejun Zhang, Yabin Da. Decomposing the changes of energy-related carbon emissions in China: Evidence from the PDA approach. Natural Hazards 69 (2013): 1109-1122.


  [1]Zhen Zhong, Shuo Zhang, Bruce McCarl, Yabin Da*. The role of carbon trading market on energy poverty alleviation in rural area in China. Submitted.

  [2]Yabin Da, Xiangrui Wang. Heterogeneities in the impacts of weather fluctuation on residential electricity consumption with the consideration of building characteristics. Working paper.

  [3]Yabin Da. The impacts of climate change on rice in Southeast Asia. Working paper.



2021:AAEA;AES;Sino-American Youth Dialogue;EGU General Assembly



  中国人民大学“杰出学者计划”青年学者B岗 (2022)

  Best Paper Presentation in AES (2021)

  The Fifth IPCC Scholarship Programme (2019)

  北京理工大学优秀研究生标兵 (2014)

  研究生国家奖学金 (2013和2014)


  Nature Communications, Environmental and Resource Economics, Energy Economics, Energy Policy, PLOS One, Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, Environmental Research Letters, Journal of Cleaner Production, Applied Energy, Forestry Economics Review, Technological Forecasting & Social Change, Business Strategy and the Environment, International Journal of Finance and Economics, Corporate Social Responsibility & Environmental Management, Heliyon (Cell press) 等期刊匿名审稿人



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