
Fu, H., Peng, Y., Liu, Q.*, Zheng, L., Zhou, L., Zhang, Y., Kong, R., & Turvey, C. Heterogeneous choice in WTP and WTA for renting land use rights in rural China: Choice experiments from the field. Land Use Policy, Volume 119 (2022). (*Corresponding author)
郑淋议,钱文荣,刘琦,郭小琳. 新一轮农地确权对耕地生态保护的影响——以化肥、农药施用为例[J].中国农村经济,2021(06):76-93.
Liu, Q. with Liu, Z., Banerjee, S., Cason, T., Hanley, N., Xu, J. & Kontoleon, A. Spatially coordinated conservation auctions: A framed field experiment focusing on forestland wildlife conservation in China. IN REVIEW American Journal of Agricultural Economics.
Liu, Q. with Liu, S., Liu, Z., Xu, J. & Kontoleon, A. A regression discontinuity assessment of the differential impacts of China’s Natural Forest Protection Program across different property right regimes. IN REVIEW. World Development
Liu, Q. with Liu, Z., Hanley, N., Yi, Y., Xu, J. & Kontoleon, A. Combining risk attitudes in outcome- based PES contract decisions to improve cost-effectiveness and environmental performance: a Discrete Choice experiment for forest carbon sequestration. Working Paper.
Liu, Q. with Liu, Z., Xu, J. & Kontoleon, A. Analysis of Sloping land conversion program on crop production using Difference-in-difference-in-difference (DDD). Working Paper.
2023 : Annual Conference of the Biodiversity and Economics for Conservation (BIOECON) Network (Spain)
2022: Annual Conference of the Biodiversity and Economics for Conservation (BIOECON) Network (Exeter, UK)
2022 : Annual Meeting of the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (AAEA) (Anaheim, CA)
2021: Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE) (Virtual)
2021: Annual Conference of the Biodiversity and Economics for Conservation (BIOECON) Network (Virtual)
[1] 助研,英国国家学术院(British Academy)专项人文科学与社会科学研究基金项目,2019至2023
[2] 中心研究员,剑桥大学能源环境自然资源中心(C-EENRG), 2020至2023