



职称:助理教授 办公室:明主936 email: [email protected] 研究方向:食品经济与管理,食品,营养与健康,健康经济学


张曼,重庆人,现任威尼斯人娱乐场官网 讲师(助理教授)。2021年加入人民大学农发学院,受聘中国人民大学“杰出学者计划”青年学者B岗。张曼老师一直从事食物、营养与健康经济学等交叉领域的研究,研究领域包括:1)食物消费与浪费行为;2)膳食营养与健康人力资本,3)儿童早期健康与后期发展, 4) 精准营养与功能食品的设计与应用。此外,张曼老师目前注重在社科研究中融入前沿数据及方法,例如基因组学数据和机器学习方法等。

目前已发表20余篇论文于国际期刊(SSCI/SCI)上,其中以第一作者/通讯作者发表论文14篇(含ESI高被引论文1篇),发表刊物如Economics of Education Review, China Economic Review,Trends in Food Science & Technology, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry等。

目前主持国家自然基金青年基金和中国人民大学校级基金各1项,并作为参与人参与多项国家自然基金面上项目,部委及企业横向课题的研究。同时担任多个期刊的匿名审稿人,如Economics of Education Review, China Economic Review, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Industrial Crops and Products 等。


2020, 博士, 环境与生物学院,罗格斯,新泽西州立大学,美国新泽西

2015, 硕士,威尼斯人娱乐场官网 ,中国人民大学,北京

2012, 学士, 食品科学与营养工程学院,中国农业大学,北京


1) 经济与健康领域

[1] Fan, M., Jin, Y., & Zhang, M*. (2023). Genetic Risk, Childhood Obesity, and Educational Achievements. Economics of Education Review, 94, 102408.

[2] Zhang, M., Quick, V., Jin, Y., & Martin-Biggers, J. (2020). Associations of Mother’s Behaviors and Home/Neighborhood Environments with Preschool Children’s Physical Activity Behaviors. American Journal of Health Promotion, 0890117119864206.

[3] Zhang, M., Jin, Y., Qiao, H., & Zheng, F. (2017). Product quality asymmetry and food safety: Investigating the “one farm household, two production systems” of fruit and vegetable farmers in China. China Economic Review, 45, 232-243.

[4] Zhang, M., Hui, Q., Xu, W., Pu, M., Yu, Z., & Zheng, F. (2015). The third-party regulation on food safety in China: A review. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 14(11), 2176-2188.

[5] 张曼, 喻志军, 郑风田. (2015). 媒体偏见还是媒体监管?--中国现行体制下媒体对食品安全监管作用机制分析. 经济与管理研究, 36(11), 106-114.

2) 食品与营养科学领域 (期刊论文按照中科院JCR当年分区)

[1] Yin, Z., Zheng, T., Ho, C.T., Huang, Q., Wu, Q., Zhang, M* (2022). Improving the stability and bioavailability of tea polyphenols by encapsulations: a review. Food Science and Human Wellness, 11(3), 537-556. (Q1,ESI高被引).

[2] Zhang, M., Zhu, S, Ho, C.T. & Huang Q (2021). Citrus polymethoxyflavones as regulators of metabolic homoeostasis: recent advances for possible mechanisms. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 110, 743-753. (Q1)

[3] Zhang, M., Pan, Y, Dong, Q. et al. (2021). Development of organogel-based emulsions to enhance the loading and bioaccessibility of 5-demethylnobiletin. Food Research International, 148, 110592. (Q1)

[4] Zhang, M., Zhu, S, Ho, C.T. & Huang Q (2021). The biological fate and bioefficacy of citrus flavonoids: bioavailability, biotransformation, and delivery systems. Food & Function, 12(8), 3307-3323. (Q1)

[5] Zhang, M., Zhang, X., Zhu, J., et al. (2021). “Bidirectional interaction of nobiletin and gut microbiota in mice fed with a high-fat diet”. Food & Function, 12(8), 3516-3526. (Q1)

[6] Zhang, M., Xin, Y., Feng, K., et, al. (2020). Comparative Analyses of Bioavailability, Biotransformation and Excretion of Nobiletin in Lean and Obese Rats. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 68(39), 10709-10718. (Q1)

[7] Zhang, M., Zhu, J., Zhang, X., et, al (2020). Aged citrus peel (chenpi) extract causes dynamic alteration of colonic microbiota in high-fat diet induced obese mice. Food & Function, 11(3), 2667-2678. (Q1)

[8] Zhang, M., Feng, K., Huang, G., et, al. (2020). Assessment of oral bioavailability and biotransformation of emulsified nobiletin using in-vitro and in-vivo models. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 68(41), 11412-11420. (Q1)

[9] Zhang, M., Zhang, X., Ho, C. T., & Huang, Q. (2018). Chemistry and health effect of tea polyphenol (−)-epigallocatechin 3-O-(3-O-methyl) gallate. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 67(19), 5374-5378. (Q1)


[1] Fan M., Jin, Y. Zhang, M*. “Intergenerational Mobility and Childhood Obesity: Evidence from Genes”. Submitted.

[2] Fan M., Jin, Y. Zhang, M*. “Education and Fertility: New Evidence from Genetic Analysis”. Submitted.

[3] “Investigating Factors Influencing Dietary Quality in China: Machine Learning Approaches” In-preparation.

[4] “School Matters: will dietary diversity contribute to food waste reduction in university canteens in China?” In-preparation.


[1] “Mechanistic study of anti-obesity effect of polymethoxyflavones through their bioavailability, biotransformation and interaction with gut microbiota in vivo”. 美国化学协会年会(ACS, 2020)

[2] “Influence of Family Conflict, Cohesion and Disorganization in the Home Environment on Maternal and Child Food-related Behaviors”. 美国应用与农业经济年会(AAEA, 2017), Tufts University未来食物与营养会议(2017)

[3] “Investigating the “One Farm Household, Two Production systems” in Rural China: the case of Vegetable and Fruit Farmers”. 美国应用与农业经济年会(AAEA, 2016)


[1]2023/01-2025/12,国自然青年科学基金, 农村低收入人群的健康认知能力与膳食营养失衡-基于防范“慢性病-贫困陷阱”视角。主持。








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