
2013.09- 至今 教授,威尼斯人娱乐场官网
2009.11-2011.11 牛顿学者,英国伦敦大学亚非学院金融与管理系
2009.07-2013.10 副研究员,中国科学院农业政策研究中心
2006.12-2009.04 助理研究员,中国科学院农业政策研究中心
2005.10-2006.11 博士后,荷兰自由大学
2001.08-2005.06 理学,博士,中国科学院研究生院
[1] van Wesenbeeck, C.F.A.,Michiel Keyzer, van Veen , W.C.M., Qiu Huanguang, Can China’s overuse of fertilizer be reduced without threatening food security and farm incomes? Agricultural Systems ,2021, 190(108)
[2] Feng Xiaolong, Qiu Huanguang, Pan Jie, Tang Jianjun, The impact of climate change on livestock production in pastoral areas of China, Science of the Total Environment , Volume 770, 20 May 2021, 144838
[3] Leng ganxiao, Feng Xiaolong , Qiu Huanguang*, Income effects of poverty alleviation relocation program on rural farmers in China, Journal of Integrative Agriculture , Volume 20, Issue 4, April 2021, Pages 891-904
[4] Su liufang, Tang Jianjun, Qiu Huanguang*, Intended and unintended environmental consequences of grassland rental in pastoral China, Journal of Environmental Management , 2021 May 1;285:112126.
[5] Yang Sansi, Yu Le, Leng Ganxiao, Qiu Huanguang*, Livestock farmers’ perception and adaptation to climate change: panel evidence from pastoral areas in China, Climatic Change , volume 164, Article number: 21 (2021)
[6] Qiu Huanguang, Leng Ganxiao, Feng Xiaolong, Yang sansi, Effects of the poverty alleviation relocation program on diet quality among low-income households, China Agricultural Economic Review ,2021, Vol. 13 No. 2, pp. 397-417.
[7] Qiu Huanguang, van Wesenbeeck, C.F.A.,van Veen , W.C.M., Greening Chinese agriculture: can China use the EU experience? China Agricultural Economic Review ,2021, Vol. 13 No. 1, pp. 96-123.
[8] Zhan Tian; Yinghao Ji; Hanqing Xu; Huanguang Qiu*; Laixiang Sun*; Honglin Zhong; Junguo Liu, The potential contribution of growing rapeseed in winter fallow fields across Yangtze River Basin to energy and food security in China, Resources, Conservation & Recycling , Volume 164, January 2021, 105159
[9] Qiu Huanguang, Liufang Su, Xiaolong Feng, Jianjun Tang⁎, Role of monitoring in environmental regulation: An empirical analysis of grazing restrictions in pastoral China, Environmental Science and Policy , Volume 114, December 2020, Pages 295-304
[10] Zhou Xiaoshi, Ma Wanglin, Li Gucheng, Qiu Huanguang, Farm Machinery use and Maize yields in China: an Analysis accounting for selected bias and heterogeneity, Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics , 2020. vol. 64(4), pages 1282-1307, October.
[11] Liu Mingyue, Feng Xiaolong, Wang Sangui, Qiu Huanguang*, China’s poverty alleviation over the last 40 years: success and challenges, Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics , Volume64, Issue1, pp. 209-228, 2019
[12] Lin Shi, Guicheng Shi, Huanguang Qiu*,General review of intelligent agriculture development in China, China Agricultural Economic Review ,2019, Vol. 11 No. 1, pp. 39-51. //doi.org/10.1108/CAER-05-2017-0093
[13] Qiu Huanguang, Jianbiao Yan, Zhen Lei, Dingqiang Sun, Transition of Energy Consumption in Rural China: the Role of Rising Wages, Energy Policy ,August 2018 119:545-553, 2017
[14] Mengping Li, Xuexi Huo, Changhui Peng, Qiu Huanguang, Zhouping Shangguan, Cheng Chang, Jianjun Huai, Complementary livelihood capital as a means to enhance adaptive capacity: A case of the Loess Plateau, China, Global Environmental Change 47 (2017) 143–152
[15] Qiu Huanguang, Xiaobing Wang, Zhigang Xu, Bai Junfei, Farmer’s Choice of Seed Varieties Under Asymmetric Information, Journal of Integrative Agriculture , 2016, 15(6): 60345-7, 2016.
[16] Dalin Carole, Huanguang Qiu, Naota Hansaki, Denise Mauzerall, Ignacio Rodriguez-Iturbe, Balancing water resources conservation and food security in China, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) , Vol.112, No. 15, PP: 4588–4593 , 2015.
[17] Dalin Carole, Naota Hansaki, Huanguang Qiu, Denise Mauzerall, Ignacio Rodriguez-Iturbe, Water for food: China’s inter-provincial and foreign virtual trade, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) , Vol. 111, No.27, pp:9774-9779. 2014.
[18] Qiu Huanguang, Sun Laixiang, Xu Xinliang, Cai Yaqing, Bai Junfei, Potentials of Crop Residues for Commercial Energy Production in China: A Geographic and Economic Analysis, Biomass and Bioenergy ,Vol.64, pp: 110-123, 2014.
[19] Dingqiang Sun, Junfei Bai, Qiu Huanguang*, Yaqing Cai, The Impact of Government Subsidies on Household Biogas Use in Rural China, Energy Policy , Volume 73, October 2014, pp:748–756.
[20] Bai Junfei, Xu Zhigang, Qiu Huanguang, Liu Haiyan, Optimizing Seed Portfolios to Cope Ex Ante with Risks from Bad Weather: Evidence from a Recent Maize Farmer Survey in China, Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics , vol 59, issue 2, April, 2015.
[21] Qiu Huanguang, Huang Jikun, Jun Yang, Michiel Keyzer, Wim van Veen, Scott Rozelle, Guenther Fisher, and Tatiana Ermolieva, Biofuel development, food security and the use of marginal land in China, Journal of Environmental Quality , Vol.40 No.4, pp.1058-1067, 2011.
[22] Qiu Huanguang, Laixiang Sun, Jikun Huang, Scott Rozelle, Liquid Biofuels in China: Current Status, Government Policies, and Future Opportunities and Challenges, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews , Vol.16, issue 5, 2012, pp: 3095-3104.
[23] Qiu Huanguang, Jikun Huang, Carl Pray, and Scott Rozelle, Consumers’ trust in government and their attitudes towards genetically modified food: empirical evidence from China, Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies , Volume 10, issue 1, pp:67-87, 2012.
[24] Qiu Huanguang, Huang Jikun, Jun Yang, Yuhua Zhang, Yahui Zhang, Bioethanol Development in China and the Potential Impacts on its Agricultural Economy, Applied Energy , Vol. 87, Issue 1, pp: 76-83, 2010.
[25] Qiu Huanguang, Jikun Huang, Michiel Keyzer , and Wim Van Veen, Policy Options for China's Bio-Ethanol Development and the Implications for its Agricultural Economy, China & World Economy , Vol. 16, Issue 6, pp. 112-124, 2008.
[26] Yang Jun, Huanguang Qiu, Jikun Huang, Scott Rozelle, Fighting global food price rises in the developing world: the response of China and its effect on domestic and world markets, Agricultural Economics , No.39s (2008) :453-464.
[27] Yang Jun, Huang Jikun, Huanguang Qiu, Scott Rozelle, and Mercedita A. Sombilla, Biofuels and Greater Mekong Subregion: Assessing the impact on prices, production and trade, Applied Energy , Vol.86, supplement 1, pp:37-46, 2009.
[28] Zhang Xiaoyong, Huanguang Qiu, Zhurong Huang, Linking Small Scale Farmers in China with the International Markets: A case of Apple Export Chains, International Food and Agribusiness Management Review , Vol.12, Issue 3, pp:89-110, 2009.
[29] Zhang Xiaoyong, Jikun Huang, Huanguang Qiu, Zhurong, Huang, A consumer segmentation study with regards to genetically modified food in urban China, Food Policy , 35(2010), pp:456-462.
[30] 仇焕广,李新海,余嘉玲,中国玉米产业:发展趋势与政策建议, 《农业经济问题》 ,2021年第7期4-16页。
[31] 苏柳方, 仇焕广, 唐建军,草场流转的转入地悲剧——来自876个草场地块的微观证据, 《中国农村经济》 ,2021年第4期
[32] 张晨,赵敏娟,仇焕广*,牧民参与草场治理的偏好与支付意愿-来自禁牧区和草畜平衡区的实证对比, 《中国环境科学》 ,2020年40(9),pp.4167-4176。
[33] 仇焕广,张崇尚,刘乐,冯晓龙,我国草原管理制度演变及社区治理机制创新, 《社会经济体制比较》 ,2020年第3期。
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[35] 仇焕广,苏柳方,张祎彤,唐建军,风险偏好、风险感知与保护性耕作技术采纳, 《中国农村经济》 , 2020第7期.
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[38] 仇焕广,陆岐楠,张崇尚,曲晓睿,风险规避、社会资本对农民工务工距离的影响, 《中国农村观察》 ,2017.3
[39] 仇焕广,刘乐, 李登旺, 张崇尚,经营规模、地权稳定性与土地生产率, 《中国农村经济》 ,2017.6.
[40] 仇焕广, 李登旺,宋洪远,新形势下我国农业发展战略转变的逻辑思考与政策建议, 《经济社会体制比较》 ,2015年第4期。
[41] 汪阳洁,仇焕广,陈晓红, 气候变化对农业影响的经济学研究进展, 《中国农村经济》 ,2015,第9期,pp:4-16。
[42] 仇焕广,严健标,李登旺,韩炜,我国农村生活能源消费现状、发展趋势及决定因素分析—基于四省两期调研的实证研究, 《中国软科学》 ,2015,第11期,pp:28-38。
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[46] 仇焕广*,井月,廖绍攀,蔡亚庆,我国畜禽污染现状与治理政策的有效性分析, 《中国环境科学》 ,2013年,第11期。
[47] 仇焕广*, 陈瑞剑,井月,廖绍攀,中国农业企业走出去的现状和发展战略分析, 《农业经济问题》 , 2013年,第11期。
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[1] 易地扶贫搬迁的社会经济和环境影响评估,国家自然科学基金重点国际合作项目, 2019-2023,主持人
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[6] 畜禽养殖业的污染排放与控制对策研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2011年-2013年,主持人。
[7] 全球气候变化和高强度人类活动影响下的中国农业生态系统承载力研究,国家自然科学基金委重大国际合作项目,2010年-2012年,子课题主持人。
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