
田晓晖,威尼斯人娱乐场官网 教授,中国人民大学人才工作领导小组办公室副主任,生态文明研究院副院长,价格与预测运筹研究中心主任,国家级人才项目“青年拔尖人才”,中国人民大学吴玉章青年学者,美国俄亥俄州立大学农业经济学博士(国家公派)。在国内外知名期刊发表高水平文章多篇,主持多项国家自然科学基金项目以及省部级课题,获中国人民大学教学标兵,薛暮桥价格研究奖和中国农业绿色发展研究会科学技术奖、北京市教学成果奖一等奖,获中国青年农业经济学家论坛年度学者称号。主要社会兼职有农业农村部市场预警专家委员会委员,中国农业经济学会青年(工作)委员会常务委员、秘书长,北京农业经济学会监事等。
副教授,威尼斯人娱乐场官网 ,2017-2023
助理教授,威尼斯人娱乐场官网 ,2014-2017
博士(国家留学基金委公派出国),农业经济学, 俄亥俄州立大学 2014年
硕士,经济学, 俄亥俄州立大学, 2011年
学士,农业经济学,中国农业大学, 2009年
1) Efficiency of Forest Carbon Policies at Intensive and Extensive Margins," (With Brent Sohengen and Rong Li), American Journal of Agricultural Economics, forthcoming
2)" Grassland Tenure Reform and Grassland Quality in China," (With Lingling Hou and Pengfei Liu), American Journal of Agricultural Economics, online,2022
3) Air Pollution and Cognitive Functions: Evidence from Straw Burning in China." (with Wangyang Lai, Shanjun Li and Yanan Li), American Journal of Agricultural Economics 104, no. 1 (2022): 190-208.
4) Downward Hypothetical Bias in the Willingness to Accept Measure for Private Goods: Evidence from a Field Experiment." (with Pengfei Liu), American Journal of Agricultural Economics 103, no. 5 (2021): 1679-1699.
5) Measuring agricultural total factor productivity in China: pattern and drivers over the period of 1978‐2016." (with Sheng, Yu, Weiqing Qiao, and Chao Peng.), Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 64, no. 1 (2020): 82-103.
6) Will US Forests Continue to Be a Carbon Sink?." (with Brent Sohngen, Justin Baker, Sara Ohrel, and Allen A. Fawcett) , Land Economics 94.1 (2018): 97-113.
7) Spending reversals and fiscal multipliers under an interest rate peg." (with Rong Li), Journal of Money, Credit and Banking 50, no. 4 (2018): 789-815.
8) Global climate change impacts on forests and markets." (with Brent Sohngen), Forest Policy and Economics 72 (2016): 18-26.
9) Global climate change impacts on forests and markets." (with Brent Sohngen, John B. Kim, Sara Ohrel, and Jefferson Cole.), Environmental Research Letters 11, no. 3 (2016): 035011.
10) Identifying the Interdependence between Monetary Policy and Financial Stress: Evidence from China." ." (with Rong Li), Pacific Economic Review 23, no. 3 (2018): 411-425.
11) An investigation of the carbon neutrality of wood bioenergy." (with Roger Sedjo), Journal of Environmental Protection 3, no. 9 (2012): 989.
12) Does Wood Bioenergy Increase Carbon Stocks in Forests?" (with Roger Sedjo), Journal of Forestry 110, no. 6 (2012): 304-311.
13) 农业机械化的环境效应——来自农机购置补贴政策的证据,(与李戎、李薇合作),《中国农村经济》,2021年第9期
14) 财政支出类型、结构性财政政策与积极财政政策提质增效,(与李戎合作),《中国工业经济》,2021年第2期
15) 城乡居民收入对肥胖的影响及作用机制研究——基于营养摄入中介效应的分析,(与李艳芳、杨久栋合作),《人口与发展》,2021年第2期
16) 农业生态补偿政策的国际经验及其对中国的启示,(与栾江、仇焕广合作),《世界农业》,2018年第8期
17) 城市森林价值评估方法研究综述,(与张亚鑫、刘珉合作),《林业经济》,2017年第3期
[6]美国Research Triangle Institute International,林业部门对气候变化的贡献分析,2014至2016
[7]国家林业局林业绿色经济指标体系研究,2015 -2016,主要参与人
[9]未来资源机构(Resources for the Future),博士实习生项目,木材生化能源的碳排放分析,2011/6- 2011/8,
[10]European Summer School in Environmental Economics,Climate Change Adaptation,2014/7